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Liability Insurance

Insurance or Ruin highwayLiability Insurance in the New Era of Risk

Doing business comes with a certain amount of risk – like the potential theft of digital assets, exposed personal information, human error, and more. Think you’re not at risk? Think again.
No matter how many firewalls or safeguards you put in place, you will never be 100% covered from cyber attack and the liability associated with data breach unless you have Cyber Liability Coverage.
In addition to Cyber Liability Coverage, there are a number of different types of Liability Insurance policies and coverage. The Right Choice Insurance Agency provides the following list as a guide to consider.
  • General Liability Insurance – coverage for 3rd party lawsuits involving bodily injury, property damage, personal and advertising injury.
  • Employers Liability Insurance (Workers Compensation) – covers Part B (Part Two) of the Workers Compensation policy; liability arising out of employee’s work related injury, and 3rd party lawsuits for example those filed by a trust, estate, spouse, or children of an employee.
  • Cyber Liability Insurance – covers in the event of an internal or external (electronic or paper) data breach resulting from computer hacking, theft, or other method.
  • Employment Practices Liability – covers defense costs related to claims of wrongful termination, discrimination and other incidents.
  • Directors and Officers Liability Insurance – covers directors and officers (D & O) of a company for negligent acts or omissions and for misleading statements that result in lawsuits against the company.
  • Professional Liability Insurance (Errors & Omissions) – covers professionals for negligence and errors or omissions arising from business or professional practice such as negligence, malpractice or misrepresentation.
  • Auto Liability – covers from losses resulting from the use of a motor vehicle.
  • Umbrella Liability Insurance – coverage for losses above the limit of an underlying policy or policies such as general liability, employer’s liability, directors or officers, and auto liability insurance.

Additionally, TRC offers Specialized Liability Coverage including the following types.
  • Truckers Liability Insurance
  • Trailer Interchange Legal Liability 
  • Motor Truck Legal Liability Insurance Cargo
  • Garage Liability Insurance
  • Liquor Law Liability
  • Pollution Liability
  • And more
TRC has the specialized knowledge needed for recommending the best liability insurance. With more than 65 years of experience and access to products from over 50 insurance companies and specialty programs, trust TRC for all your liability insurance!
Make The Right Choice Insurance Agency your go-to business insurance broker. Click here to get a quote today or call us at 602.635.1567 and find out why so many people switch to The Right Choice Insurance Agency!

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